Drimnagh, Dublin
5 Semi Detached Houses for Sale in Drimnagh, Dublin
90 Kilworth Road, D12 HR67, Drimnagh, Dublin 12
4 Bed2 Bath113 m²Semi-DRay Cooke Auctioneers90 Kilworth Road, D12 HR67, Drimnagh, Dublin 12
4 Bed2 Bath113 m²Semi-DRay Cooke Auctioneers54 Cooley Road, Dublin 12, Drimnagh, Dublin 12, D12CK25
2 Bed1 Bath68 m²Semi-DMullery O'Gara Estate Agents158 Kilworth Road, Drimnagh, Dublin 12, D12WC89
4 Bed3 Bath105 m²Semi-DSherry FitzGerald Sundrive425 Crumlin Road, Crumlin, Dublin 12, D12C8X2
2 Bed1 BathSemi-DDavid Ross Estate Agents
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