Kilmore, Wexford
12 Detached Houses for Sale in Kilmore, Wexford
Pollrane, Kilmore, Co. Wexford, Y35RF22
5 Bed4 Bath206 mยฒDetachedKeane AuctioneersSoughane, Kilmore, Co. Wexford, Y35F751
4 Bed4 Bath184 mยฒDetachedKeane Auctioneers'Bonds Lodge', Libgate, Kilmore Quay, Kilmore, Co. Wexford, Y35WN15
4 Bed4 Bath220 mยฒDetachedKehoe & AssociatesGrange, Kilmore, Co. Wexford, Y35X067
3 Bed2 Bath112 mยฒDetachedKeane AuctioneersAn Teach Ban, Kilmore Quay, Co. Wexford, Y35P8H0
4 Bed3 Bath104 mยฒDetachedKehoe & AssociatesBallyminaun Little, Killinick, Co. Wexford, Y35E6R9
3 Bed2 Bath179 mยฒDetachedKeane AuctioneersNeamstown, Kilmore Quay, Co. Wexford, Y35C934
3 Bed2 Bath173 mยฒDetachedClaude HowlinSavoca, Libgate, Kilmore Quay, Co Wexford, Y35AW86
3 Bed1 Bath115 mยฒDetachedSherry FitzGerald Radford - Wexford TownSandy Lane, Kilmore Quay, Co. Wexford, Y35YW99
6 Bed6 Bath536 mยฒDetachedKeane AuctioneersSiochain, Kilmore, Co. Wexford, Y35EK03
3 Bed2 Bath110 mยฒDetachedHalnon Humphreys Estate AgentsWalshestown, Tacumshane, Co. Wexford, Y35EA25
4 Bed2 Bath116 mยฒDetachedKeane AuctioneersSeaview, Kilmore, Kilmore Village, Co Wexford, Y35TD45
3 Bed2 Bath170 mยฒDetachedSherry FitzGerald Radford - Wexford Town
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