Knocknacarra, Galway
3 Bungalows for Sale in Knocknacarra, Galway
Colm O'Donnellan
O'Donnellan & Joyce
9 Ard Fraoigh, Clybaun Road, H91FNA4
4 Bed2 Bath119 m²BungalowOpen from Feb 8thSchool NearbyAdvantageAlan Maxwell
DNG Maxwell Heaslip & Leonard
Seacote, Shangort, Knocknacarra, Co. Galway, H91VAK3
3 Bed1 Bath71 m²BungalowAdvantageTony Kavanagh
Sherry FitzGerald Galway
5 The Gardens, Threadneedle Road, Salthill, Galway, H91W29W
6 Bed5 Bath173 m²BungalowAdvantage
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