614,491 Properties Sold in Ireland
How we source details for the Sold Section
Daft shows all properties listed in the PSRA Property Price Register. Location details, sold dates and prices come from there, with some results having additional content from historic Daft ads.
Jamie Costello
O'Donnellan & Joyce
SOLD 20/12/2024Garraun North, Oranmore, Galway, Galway
5 Bed4 Bath183.5 mยฒDetachedAdvantageNigel Dineen/Martin Finn Auctioneers
Nigel Dineen/Martin Finn Auctioneers
SOLD 19/12/202410a Carrowmore Meadows, Kiltimagh Rd, Knock, Mayo
2 Bed2 Bath102.0 mยฒApartmentAdvantageMcCarthy Developments
Tony Sisk
McCarthy Developments
SOLD 19/12/2024643 The Kingfisher, The Sanctuary, Jacobs Island, Cork
2 Bed2 Bath76.0 mยฒApartmentAdvantagePatricia McCarthy
SOLD 19/12/20247 Cluain Oir, Clonroadmore, Ennis, Clare
2 Bed2 Bath76.0 mยฒApartmentAdvantageRory Dooley
Dooley Auctioneers
SOLD 19/12/2024107 Heathervue, Greystones, Wicklow, Wicklow
4 Bed2 Bath111.0 mยฒDetachedAdvantageSiobhain Tuckey
DNG Wall Tuckey
SOLD 19/12/2024Tobersool, Balbriggan, Dublin, Dublin
4 Bed2 Bath109.0 mยฒDetachedAdvantageFair Deal Property - Tuam
Fair Deal Property Ltd -Galway
SOLD 19/12/202410 The Oaks, Frenchpark, Roscommon, Roscommon
3 Bed3 Bath128.0 mยฒEnd of TerraceAdvantageAiden Egan
SOLD 18/12/2024Abbeyhill, Billistown, Delvin, Westmeath
5 Bed3 Bath220.0 mยฒDetachedAdvantageFair Deal Property - Galway City
Fair Deal Property Ltd -Galway
SOLD 18/12/202415 Rinn Lia, Ballybrit, Galway, Galway
3 Bed3 Bath105.0 mยฒApartmentAdvantageDublin Home Sales
Dublin Homes Auctioneers
SOLD 18/12/20241 Glaunsharoon, Eglinton Rd, Donnybrook Dublin 4, Dublin 4, Dublin
2 Bed2 Bath94.0 mยฒApartmentAdvantageLesley Ann Devins
Sherry FitzGerald Ranelagh
SOLD 18/12/202425 Dartmouth Walk, Ranelagh, Dublin 6, Dublin 6, Dublin
3 Bed3 Bath117.0 mยฒDetachedAdvantageDaphne Kaye
Daphne Kaye & Associates
SOLD 17/12/2024Maytree, Cookstown Rd, Enniskerry, Wicklow
4 Bed3 Bath227.0 mยฒDetachedAdvantageSales Team
Eoin O'Neill Property Advisers
SOLD 17/12/202476a Whitehall Road West, Perrystown, Dublin 12, Dublin
4 Bed4 Bath147.0 mยฒDetachedAdvantageDavid Cusack PSRA No: 003455-006008
Brophy Cusack
SOLD 17/12/202425 Morley Terrace, Waterford, Waterford, Waterford
3 Bed1 Bath91.9 mยฒSemi-DAdvantageFran Grincell Properties
Fran Grincell Properties
SOLD 16/12/20243 Archersleas, Kilkenny, Kilkenny
5 Bed5 Bath232.0 mยฒDetachedAdvantageBarry McCormack B.Sc Property
Ed Dempsey
SOLD 16/12/202454 Castaheany, Clonee, Dublin 15, Dublin 15, Dublin
4 Bed3 Bath128.0 mยฒSemi-DAdvantageAdrianna Hegarty
SOLD 16/12/2024Ballybranagan House, Ballybranagan, Cloyne, Cork
5 Bed4 Bath251.0 mยฒDetachedAdvantageEdward Carey
Edward Carey Property
SOLD 13/12/20243 Willow Park, Longwood, Co Meath, Meath
4 Bed3 Bath124.0 mยฒSemi-DAdvantageJoe Organ
Joe Organ Auctioneers
SOLD 13/12/20248 Gleann Caoin, Glanmire, Cork, Cork
5 Bed3 Bath167.0 mยฒDetachedAdvantageBarney Kiernan
Barney Kiernan Auctioneers & Valuers
SOLD 13/12/2024No3 Mchale Rd, Castlebar, Mayo, Mayo
3 Bed2 Bath89.0 mยฒTerraceAdvantage