14 Detached Houses for Sale in Broadway, Wexford
Ross Lodge, Harristown, Rosslare Harbour, Co. Wexford, Y35T9N9
3 Bed1 Bath78 mยฒDetachedKeane Auctioneers113 Laurel Grove, Tagoat, Rosslare, Co. Wexford, Y35X982
5 Bed2 Bath170 mยฒDetachedSherry FitzGerald Radford - Wexford TownRathmore, Broadway, Co. Wexford, Y35H7T1
5 Bed3 Bath250 mยฒDetachedKeane AuctioneersSandawana, Our Ladys Island, Y35R793
4 Bed4 Bath242 mยฒDetachedKeane AuctioneersHarvest Lodge, Carne, Co. Wexford, Y35Y9T3
7 Bed6 Bath328 mยฒDetachedKehoe & AssociatesBanna Cottage, Grange, Broadway, Co. Wexford, Y35AD66
3 Bed2 Bath110 mยฒDetachedKeane Auctioneers4 Ballycowan Heights, Tagoat, Co. Wexford, Y35DDT6
4 Bed3 Bath210 mยฒDetachedKeane AuctioneersRingsherane, Carne, Co. Wexford, Y35A0W0
3 Bed2 Bath127 mยฒDetachedSherry FitzGerald Radford - Wexford TownChurchtown, Tomhaggard, Co. Wexford, Y35V4P1
4 Bed3 Bath210 mยฒDetachedKeane AuctioneersCoddstown Great, Killinick, Co. Wexford, Y35T6N1
5 Bed2 Bath211 mยฒDetachedSherry FitzGerald Radford - Wexford TownEardownes Great, Our Ladys Island, Y35R8P7
4 Bed1 Bath95 mยฒDetachedKeane Auctioneers6 Sea Breeze, Clougheast, Carne, Co. Wexford, Y35VX52
4 Bed3 Bath199 mยฒDetachedKeane AuctioneersWalshestown, Tacumshane, Co. Wexford, Y35EA25
4 Bed2 Bath116 mยฒDetachedKeane AuctioneersRathshillane, Tacumshane, Co. Wexford
1 Bed1 BathDetachedQUINN PROPERTY
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