7 Detached Houses for Sale in Ferrybank, Wexford
DNG McCormack Quinn
DNG McCormack Quinn
Manderlay, Crosstown, Wexford Town, Co. Wexford, Y35EK5H
7 Bed6 Bath587 mยฒDetachedViewing AdvisedADVANTAGEOakland, Crosstown, Wexford Town, Co. Wexford, Y35R85A
4 Bed2 Bath205 mยฒDetachedKeane AuctioneersArdcavan, Wexford Town, Co. Wexford, Y35FF2R
3 Bed2 Bath73 mยฒDetachedKeane AuctioneersCoole, Crosstown, Wexford, Y35AWD6
4 Bed1 Bath150 mยฒDetachedSherry FitzGerald Radford - Wexford TownGrey's Corner, Ferrybank, Co. Wexford, Y35XNP4
5 Bed2 Bath265 mยฒDetachedKehoe & AssociatesArdcavan Lane, Wexford Town, Co. Wexford, Y35T4CC
3 Bed1 Bath110 mยฒDetachedKeane AuctioneersCrosstown, Wexford, Co Wexford, Y35R2A0
3 BedDetachedSherry FitzGerald Radford - Wexford Town
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