Kilsallagh, Mayo
5 Detached Houses for Sale in Kilsallagh, Mayo
Gerard O'Toole
O’Toole & Co
Sheeffry Cottage, Kinnock, Westport, Co. Mayo, F28PH21
3 Bed4 Bath182 m²DetachedRural LocationAdvantageTooreen Lodge, Tooreen, Louisburgh, Louisburgh, Co. Mayo, F28K294
4 Bed3 Bath157 m²DetachedFM AuctioneersFalduff, Louisburgh, Co Mayo, F28DD85
3 Bed75 m²DetachedSherry Fitzgerald Crowley1 Old Hall Road, Lecanvey, Westport, Co Mayo, F28VE77
5 Bed2 Bath141 m²DetachedSherry Fitzgerald CrowleySea Breeze, Kilsallagh Lower, Kilsallagh, Co. Mayo, F28AK28
4 Bed4 Bath172 m²DetachedFM Auctioneers
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